4-Day birding watching trip



Tour Style


Tour Style



Join us on an exciting 4-day birding safari through Uganda, a birdwatcher’s paradise filled with diverse landscapes and a plethora of unique bird species.

Tour Highlights

  • Boat trip
  • Bird variety
  • Game drives
  • Quality expedition safari lodges


  • Park fees
  • All activities
  • All accommodation
  • A professional driver/guide
  • All transportation
  • Roundtrip airport transfer
  • Meals
  • Drinking water
  • International flights
  • Tips
  • Personal items
  • Government imposed increase of taxes and/or park fees

Tour Plan

Day 01 Birding from Kampala to Masindi

Our adventure begins with an early departure from Kampala as we head towards Mabamba Swamp, just 50 kilometers west of the city. Along the way, be on the lookout for an array of bird species, from the striking Papyrus Gonolek to the elegant White-Shouldered Tit. Keep your binoculars handy to spot Red Cap, Western Banded Snake Eagle, White-Winged Warbler, and Weyns Weaver. Mabamba Swamp is renowned for its incredible Shoebill Stork sightings, but it offers much more, including Allen’s and Purple Gallinules, Grey Herons, Jacanas, Rufous-Bellied Heron, Squacos, Purple and Goliath Herons, the globally threatened Pallid Harrier, and migrant species like the Blue Swallow.

After a thrilling day of birding, we’ll return to Kampala and then transfer to Masindi for a well-deserved rest, passing through picturesque undulating grasslands and mosaic woodlands, offering more birdwatching opportunities such as the White-Crested Turaco, Bronze-Tailed Starling, and a variety of Bishops, Starlings, and Warblers.

Main Destination: Masindi


Meals & Drinks: All meals included

Day 02 Birding Budongo Forest and transfer to Murchison Falls

We rise early and make our way to the nearby Budongo Forest, where the Royal Mile beckons, a road enveloped by towering forest canopies.

As we explore the forest trails, keep your ears attuned for elusive birds such as Nahan’s Francolin, White-Thighed Hornbill, Cassin’s and Sabine’s Spinetails, Blue-Throated Roller, Yellow-Browed Camaroptera, Forest Flycatcher, Chestnut-Capped Flycatcher, Ituri Batis, Lemon-Bellied Crombec, Tit Hylia, Uganda Woodland Warbler, Forest Robin, and an assortment of Barbets, Turacos, and Bulbuls. Be on the lookout for the enchanting Blue, Red-Tailed, and Black and White Colobus monkeys, and if luck is on our side, we may even encounter chimpanzees along the way.

Main Destination: Murchison Falls National Park


Meals: All Included

Day 03 Birding Murchison Falls National Park

Get ready for an unforgettable day filled with boat trips to the bottom of Murchison Falls and an exciting game drive to the delta. Keep a keen eye out for the magnificent Shoebill Stork and other captivating birds, including the Red-Throated and Northern Carmine Bee-Eaters. Our wildlife sightings might include Rothschild’s Giraffe, Cape Buffalo, Elephant, and Waterbuck. During the game drive, have your binoculars at the ready for Heuglin’s Francolins, Black-Billed Barbet, Northern and Red-Faced Barbets, Swallow-Tailed and Little Bee-Eaters, Abyssinian Rollers, Abyssinian Ground Hornbills, and a variety of Bishops, Sparrow Weavers, Crombecs, and doves.

Main Destination: Murchison Falls National Park


Meals & Drinks: All meals included

Day 04 Transfer to Entebbe and Departure

As we journey back to Kampala, we’ll make a stop at the top of the falls, where you can soak in the breathtaking view. While en route to Kampala/Entebbe, our knowledgeable guide will help us explore hidden birdwatching gems. Keep your eyes peeled for any bird species you might have missed, rounding off this incredible birding safari.

Main Destination: Entebbe International Airport

Accommodation: No accommodation

Meals & Drinks: Breakfast & lunch

Tour Map


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